Saturday, November 28, 2020


 She has a thing about pottery..   the 20oz mug on the right, she loves because it gives just her just enough coffee in the morning.  The other ones she owns., standard size coffee mugs, leave her feeling a little sad as the bottom of the cup approaches. 

Her newest and most loved acquisition.. she purchased them both on the same day ..but still..  is this glazed on the inside..  raw fired clay on the outside beauty..  now her constant companion.  Her daughter thought she was drinking from a flower pot until she explained what it was..  a massive 32oz mug that holds fabulous amounts of ice and water, that when mixed within the vessel, give a cool dampness to the outside and feels like a large rock weighted in her hands.  SHE'S IN LOVE...   Oh she knows its just a mug.. but it's hers and the heaviness of it makes her hand feel as it she is holding something substantial.. of value.   And she is..   at least to her. 

Saturday, November 21, 2020


 2:45am.. She wishes he were awake..   just to even say hello...   

They have had this conversation....  he's not a social media, phone always on, able to talk/chat, person.  She is completely that way.   He signs into the chat they connect through and she sees that he has read her side of the story.. but he doesn't answer.    She continues to write hoping he will say something...anything..just to let her know he is there or at least acknowledges her writing and maybe adds his own narrative to the story.  But sometimes it doesn't happen.  

She wrote...  One day we will have a full blown conversation without having to type it in... 

He wrote... or without dropped calls...

She wrote. And no interruptions to the conversations..   one day.. 

2:58am...   she knows he's asleep...  she isn't.   2:59..

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Life and lemons!!

She sits and stares.. she isn't sure what to write.  as usual, to many things going on at the same time... but isn't that normal in her life??

She forgot some important information sent to a group for a meeting yesterday..  just simply forgotten.  She isn't feeling it much these days and didn't check her notes, as she should have.  Not really a big deal, but it isn't a great thing to have done.   She also has other thing that need to be done before the next meeting.. communications that have to be taken care of.. but. . again. .it's the complacency of the group, the lack of really wanting to continue.. but.. as usual she will... Life Goes On!!!

She has another project that she's also struggling with.  She isn't sure which way to turn. It started out being the activist side.. not necessarily front and centre, but didn't necessarily mind being a "lead".   But, again, it changed... She didn't.. she's still angry and pissed off (which are the same thing) and wanting to make a difference, but it seems the other "leads" have different ideas.  be calm, protect the ones out front, let them speak, but don't rock too much of the boat, Build support. and when the time is right, we will be ready to strike..   but that semi complacency got the better of her yesterday and she called and got "the guy in charge" and laid into him.. possibly shouldn't have. .but it just is not adding up.. questions unanswered and the list goes on.   UGH!!!.  Again.. Life Goes On!!!

She is sure there are other things that need to be done. 
  • Paint the picture frame, so it can dry and she can take it back to the framing place and get the rest of the piece put back together and sell.
  • Contact a few new members of the club and make sure they come back
  • clean her desk (what a concept)
  • Do some other cleaning/sorting in the house.. 
  • and the list goes on..

Making life.. out of Lemons!!!