Wednesday, November 1, 2023

No Right!!



2. a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way.

"she had every right to be angry/upset/whatever...."
"she had NO right to be angry/upset/whatever..."

it's been weeks. She has NO clue what's going on. No connection. no.. Hey.. busy.. chat soon.. nothing.. nothing at all.

She knows he's seen what she has sent. or at least she thinks it's him. Really isn't sure.. and at this point, she almost doesn't care.

She's thinking she might write.. "hey.. if this is actually you.. just tell me you are alive.".

That Self-Preservations is starting to kick in. The one that made her lose parts of a relationship that took place oh so many years ago. He was there. .and then he wasn't.

He's been back a year.. and now.. gone. again. well not really but.

She knows, or has learned, a bit about his being, what he does, who he is.. how he acts.. where his focus is.. and since she isn't really part of his life...... well..

but does she have any right?? No.. not really. they aren't connected except by that thing that happens when she moves back into space and time and the years fade and the tears begin.. again.

She has NO Right.

what she needs to do is what her mind tells her.. just walk away.. stop the connection. delete it.. well.. maybe or not. delete the connection but save the information. .maybe just to check in from time to time. Move on.. move back to the way it was.. (which she didn't like for herself.). life changed a year ago.. no one noticed but she did. The way she held herself., the things she did. the thoughts, the memories .. she shared it with a few, but only just.

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