Wednesday, October 7, 2020

In the wee hours..

She's up.. why??  

No real light but the glow of her phone screen as she types. The morning sounds from the open windows begin to invade her space. Or is that simply the ever present low level humming in her ears she had most of her life (thanks mom)

The faint light of dawn begins in the far corners to the east and the always on kitchen wall light casts a small soft ray through the hallway, its presence is always welcome. Just light enough to aid in movement but not bright enough to wake the inhabitants.

The cool morning air brings an early respite from what may be a very warm day, although the rains of late have brought a nice temperature to the ground, much cooler than it has been.  

She sits with her back pressed against the wooden headboard that has existed for well over 20yrs, handmade and sturdy, and could tell tales if it could talk. But alas, it cannot. 

She leans her head back and closes her eyes, her hand with her writing instrument drops to her right leg and rests while she collects her thoughts. 

Life is a series of stops and starts, she knows..  its hard to predict the twist and turns from day to day. She has learned to take slow deep breaths in, expanding her diaphragm and allowing the air to fill her and uses control to slowly release, expelling not just the air, but the tension that sometimes builds, allowing her muscles to soften and relax and her thoughts to clear.  

With the breathing, her mind has wondered to the what if's and what could be's and when's and why not's that move about in her brain.  The answered and unanswered questions of her past, current and future life.  

The past there to guide her, as it does, in keeping her grounded to where she has been, what she has learned and what she brings to the table now. Even new definitions of past events makes her understand where she is today. 

The current, as to the life she lives now and it's side streets and alleyways she dodges to and from.. in and out of, that make it interesting.  

And The Future, as its created by the decisions that are both seen and unseen. and the consequence of actions taken and not taken.  

She slowly opens her eyes to realize the room is brighter as the sun has moved higher above the horizon line.  Daylight and morning are here to start her day.  

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