Thursday, September 24, 2020

pit of her stomach

24 Sept. 530am. (morning after a really great phone call).

She woke up this morning after 6 hours of not completely continuous sleep.
she lay in bed, going over, rehashing, the conversation they had in a setting that allowed for openness.

she heard words he had said before, about his reasoning for reconnecting. Not just to her but to others and how he had stopped and stalled at trying to find her over time and it had just happened.. now.. in this moment, that he had decided it had to be done (he still wasn't sure why this moment..) and he said the words about the impact she had made on his life and he was grateful for being able to recall those times to bring him out of things he was experiencing..

In the still of the morning, in her head, she heard him say.. the teacher, the co-worker, the mentor.. and YOU..   She was different, not really grouped with the rest.. just her.

The tears poked from the sides of her eyes and rolled silently away.

She had heard him say that she had made a difference.. how she was with him.. before. During times in their life. .. as children and young adults and more. Accepting..

She feels it deeply.
He's told her before about wanting to make sure she is safe and ok. He worried about her.

And again the tears come.
She never knew. She knows now... 

 That even in separation he is a part of her and she him. For the rest of time, as it has been all before. And this makes her smile.

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